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Op 27 april 1978 pleegden de legerofficieren van de Democratische Volkspartij Afghanistan (DVPA) een bloedige staatsgreep met behulp van de voormalige Sovjet Unie in Afghanistan en DVPA heeft haar regime als Democratische Republiek Afghanistan uitgeroepen.
Naast Mohammad Daoud, de toenmalige president van Afghanistan en de leden van zijn familie, werden honderden officieren en soldaten, die tegen de staatsgreep waren, om het leven gebracht. Deze staatsgreep, de zogeheten “Saur revolutie” botste met de normen en waarden van de bevolking van Afghanistan. Enkele maanden na de staatsgreep begon…Meer bekijken
The military officers of the Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) conducted on 27 April 1978 with the help of former Soviet Union a bloody coup – d’état in Afghanistan. PDPA called her regime (government) as ‘Democratic Republic of Afghanistan’.
Besides Mohammad Daoud Khan, the president of Afghanistan at that time, and his family members, hundreds of military officers and soldiers who were against the coup were murdered. The coup, the so called “Saur Revolution” was contradictory and collision with the norms/standards and values of the Afghan society. Few months after the coup begun a huge resistance against the by the Russians installed regime. The government lost control over the countryside, but remained established in Kabul and few big cities. Thousands villages were bombarded and devastated by the installed government and Russians, while they prohibited the freedom of speech, media and…View more